Clickable Classified Image Ads (e.g. Craigslist and Backpages ads) work! They’re not for every business, but for those that can use them, clickable ads can be a gold mine.
If you’re using the online classified ads sites as part of your marketing strategy, this can provide a big boost to your sales.
If you didn’t already know this, the ads with images / photos get opened FAR more than the ads without them.
If your ad doesn’t even get opened, how are you going to have a chance to make the sale?
We can take this a step further and have the image actually link to your website so that when people click the image, you get a real chance to grab them.
Here’s a simple example we’ve used to successfully attract new business leads through online classified ad marketing:
Yes, it’s a little simplistic, but yet a little edgy… and most importantly, it got results. We’re always testing what works and what doesn’t, and this one worked surprisingly well. It’s a little “in your face” but it gets the point across in a way that got people to contact us for help.
Sometimes the “ugly” ads convert the best – a lot depends on your business and your customers, but sometimes you’ll be surprised by what works.